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1   package net.sf.sapjcosupport.jdbc;
3   import java.sql.SQLException;
5   /**
6    * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
7    * User: NDE1677
8    * Date: Jul 6, 2006
9    * Time: 2:00:56 PM
10   * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
11   */
12  public class SapConnectException extends SQLException {
13      /**
14       * Constructs an <code>SQLException</code> object with a reason;
15       * the <code>SQLState</code> field defaults to <code>null</code>, and
16       * the <code>vendorCode</code> field defaults to 0.
17       *
18       * @param reason a description of the exception
19       */
20      public SapConnectException(SqlErrorCodes errorCode, String reason) {
21          super(new StringBuffer(errorCode.getName()).append("-").append(reason).toString(),
22                SqlState.Disconnected.getName(), errorCode.getValue());
23      }
24  }