Class SapSearchHelp

  extended bynet.sf.sapjcosupport.SapJcoInterface
      extended bynet.sf.sapjcosupport.SapSearchHelp
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class SapSearchHelp
extends SapJcoInterface

This class implements the SAP Search Help functionality.

As any subclass of SapJcoInterface, a value object is associated with this implementation: SapSearchHelpVO. This is a temporary value object, that can be mapped to the value object of your choice automagically.
To do so, call the 'persistentObject' method with the class of the desired value object.

Mar 21, 2006 - 11:08:01 AM
Jo Vandermeeren

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.log4j.Logger log
protected static DateFormat SAP_DATE_FORMATTER
Fields inherited from class net.sf.sapjcosupport.SapJcoInterface
dataSource, maxParallelCalls
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 List search(String searchHelpName, String selectionMethod, int maximumResults, List criteria, Class persistentObject, List javaFieldSelection, List sapFieldSelection)
          Performs the actual search.
Methods inherited from class net.sf.sapjcosupport.SapJcoInterface
checkReturnStructure, convertMap, getFunction, mapOneField, mapRecordToEntity, performSapCall, retrieve, retrieve, retrieve, retrieve, setDataSource, setMaxParallelCalls
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final org.apache.log4j.Logger log


protected static final DateFormat SAP_DATE_FORMATTER
Constructor Detail


public SapSearchHelp()
Method Detail


public List search(String searchHelpName,
                   String selectionMethod,
                   int maximumResults,
                   List criteria,
                   Class persistentObject,
                   List javaFieldSelection,
                   List sapFieldSelection)
Performs the actual search. Call this method after you have set all necessary properties.
If the persistent object class was not set, instances of SearchHelpVO are returned.

Each field in the 'javaFieldSelection' list should correspond with a field at the same position in the 'sapFieldSelection' list.

searchHelpName - name of the SAP search help
selectionMethod - name of the selection method for the search help
maximumResults - maximum results to return
criteria - list of SearchCriterion objects
persistentObject - value object class
javaFieldSelection - list of the names of the Java value object fields
sapFieldSelection - list of the names of the SAP function fields
List containing the search results as instances of the same type as specified by 'persistentObject'.
IllegalArgumentException - if the lists are null, empty or of different size; if the 'searchHelpName' or selectionMethod parameters are null

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