Class Summary |
AsyncMethodCall |
Utility class to execute a method call asynchronously.
ReflectionFieldIterator |
Iterator implementation that iterates through the fields declared in a class,
and retrieves the values for an instance.
SapBapiMapping |
SapDataSource |
SapDebuggingUtil |
SapFieldMapping |
SapInput |
SapJcoInterface |
Abstract superclass for all SAP data access objects. |
SapListMapping |
Mapping class for input and output lists (table).
SapMapping |
This class represents a SAP mapping.
SapMappingParser |
This class parses a VO SAP mapping and caches it internally. |
SapQLSupport |
SapQuery |
SapSearchHelp |
This class implements the SAP Search Help functionality.
SapSearchHelpVO |
Internal value object for the SapSearchHelp class.
SapStructureMapping |
SapType |
SearchCriterion |
Class that encapsulates the concept of a search criterion.
SimpleReflectionCache |